Saturday, December 6, 2008

MSRBA East Lansing show

We attended the Michigan State Rabbit Breeder Assoc. double show on 12/06/08.

Again started very early in the morning, up at 5am to finish loading the car and drive to the show. Have to be register by 8am for the first show

We did really well. But we have a Himi that keeps beating us and everyone else. Congrats to Crysta on the BOB (best of breed) in show A. This buck had grand champion already for them.

Here's our results:
Show B - First show
BR - Black otter SR buck - 5th out of 5
BR1 - Choc otter SR buck - 3rd out of 5
NP1 - Blue otter JR buck - 1st out of 1
FS2 - Black otter SR doe - 2nd out of 3

NP2 - Siamese Smoke Pearl JR buck - 1st out of 1 - BOV(Best of Variety)
FS3 - Black JR buck - 1st out of 1
TR3 - Black SR buck - 4th out of 4

Show A - Second show
TR3 - Black SR buck - 3rd out of 4
NP2 - Siamese Smoke Pearl JR buck - 1st out of 1, BOV, BOSG(Best Opposite Sex Group)
FS3 - Black JR buck - 1st out of 1

BR1 - Choc otter SR buck - DQ because Stone did not put him on the table.
BR - Black otter SR buck - 3rd out of 3
NP1 - Blue otter JR buck - 1st out of 1
FS2 - Black otter SR doe - 2nd out of 2

You can watch video of the Judge, judging CREVANTES the Siamese Smoke Pearl HERE
I had no plans to sell him, and really don't after today. Even if he does not work with our colors. Believe it or not he is BR's AKA Pancake's son, Pancake had always finished last and I have plans to move him on. Want to breed him one more time and than it is time to be a pet.

1 comment:

Meari said...

Congratulations on all the ribbons!

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