Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mason Mi rabbit show 11/22/08

South Central Michigan RBA show in Mason, MI on 11/22/08
BR1 - Chocolate Otter - Cotton Eyed Joe-SR buck - 1st out of 4
FS2 - Black otter - Morgen - SR doe -3rd out of 3
NP1 - Blue Otter -Benvolio
- JR buck - 2nd out of 2

BB - Black Broken - Bee Bee - SR doe - 1st out of 1 - BOV
NP2 - Siamese Smoked Pearl - Cervantes -JR buck - 1st out of 1 - BOV
FS3 - Black - Vodan- JR buck - 1st out of 1

Central Michigan RBA show in Mason, Mi on 11/22/08
FS3 - Black - JR buck - 1st out of 1
BB - Black Broken - SR doe - 1st out of 1 - BOV
NP2 - Siamese Smoked Pearl - JR buck - 1st out of 1 - BOV

FS2 - Black otter - SR doe -1st out of 3 - BOSG and BOSV
NP1 - Blue Otter - JR buck - 2nd out of 2
BR1 - Chocolate Otter -SR buck - 3rd out of 3

This just shows, that Judges have their own opinions. The one rabbits, that were the only ones in that group, were all the same. But large differences between the others. The Choc otter finished first with the first judge and last with the next. Same with the Black otter Doe except reversed. First judge finished her last and the next judge give her first and best of opposite sex variety and group. First judge said nothing about BB - Black broken, but second judge believes she is a Polish, not a ND. Interesting as we have a Netherland Dwarf Pedigree for her.

I tried really hard to win a beautiful Black otter ND buck in the Youth raffle. Sadly, I did not win him, but I did win a 25 pound bag of Kent rabbit feed. Was happy to at least win something. I have always lost at the raffles. Broke that streak, LOL.

Will also post photos taken at the Rabbit show photo folder. Devin has become camera shy. He will just have to learn, Mom will keep snapping photos. LOL.

We do have a great time there, meeting more people and seeing some we have sold babies too. One black buck we sold, won big at fair for a girl. Glad, he turned out good for her.

Next show 12/06/08 - will see what happens there

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